Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Im SoRry

to mum & dad ..
mom. , there's so much things u sacrifice for me since the dae i saw dis world...
i dont know how to pay u back mom.. && i noe i'll never have the time to pay u back ....
all i wanted is to see u happy mom... dats the thing i wanna see. seeing u smile everydae makes me happy ... really happy....
i dont wanna see u cry... i regretted the moment when i saw u crying profusely in front of me ..
just because of one stupid mistake dat i did .

u really make ma life worthwhile mom..
i cant even show u how much i love ... its too deep . deeper than the sea....
depper than anythingg .
i just love u mom & dad

Monday, December 8, 2008

HmM . A nEw Fren ???????????????????????


wuhuu !
broke up wif barney at last .
on our first aniiversary .. umm, quite sad . but wad to do .
he's just to annoyingg .

dedicated song to akid... Rindu from Fuad Rahman

Saturday, December 6, 2008

WOOOW !!!!!

Mengapa ketika, bila ku sendirian..
Terkenang kenangan waktu kita bersama...
Pilu rasa hati, bila engkau tiada di sisi...

Indah waktu itu, bila engkau di sampingku...
Seakan dunia milik kita berdua...
Kini kau tiada, hanya aku dilamun rindu...

*Mengapa kau menghilangkan dirimu...
Katakanlah salahku...
Sehingga kau hancurkan hidupku...

Berikanlah kesempatan untuk aku menjelaskan...
Agar engkau kan fahami apa yang telah terjadi...
Tak perlu kau meragui ketulusan hati ini...
Kerna aku disalah mengerti...

Tidak pernah pun terlintas untuk aku menduakan...
Kerna ku telah berjanji cinta kita kan abadi...
Tak perlu kau mengkhianati cinta yang luhur dan murni...

Monday, October 27, 2008

WHY ??? HOW ?? WHAT ???

shouLd i believe every little things dat she said bout my guy ....????????
fuck !
i noe barney ....
i noe who he ....
why does everyone says the same thing !
God !
show me the rite wae.. i lerve u alot ...
why u do dis such a thing .

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey... i dont know whats happening to dis worLd... it's becoming wiLder and wiLder.. and i cant stand it anymore.. here's the story...

one of mai 'pakcik' (so called), [my mom's side] received his CPF and he have to seLL his house..
and for that, he becomes rich, richer than us, his own cousins.. and we didn't ask anything from him at aLL ... and so, he's becoming more and more sombong to us..
its okay bout that...
but the most that i cannot take it is dat he ask my nephew, 'when is ur grandpa's gonna die?'
God... please.... save me.... and save that man....
the whoLe famiLy knows bout it.. but we stiLL be patient with hym... as we know that God's with us...

he's stiLL with his attiude... but this time.. DIE MELAMPAU..!!
my grandma had asked him to cure for her right hand's dat in pain... know wat my fucking 'pakcik' said..?
'u want dis to be cured? suck my cock and take the sperm'
it hurts me BADLY when i knew about the news.. my grandma is 70+ years oLd... how couLd he have a heart to say those kind of things to her... ??
Ya Allah... ampuniLah dosa pakcik ku...
pity ma nenek and atok....
Tuhan saje yg tahu baLasannye..

Monday, October 20, 2008


Yeah i miiss euu ...
hees .
hey guess what , ive made a song .. dedicated just for hym .. going for a recording in a studio next two weeks ..
i've not compLete the song yet.... maybe in threee weeks time from now ...
yeah ...
cant wait to sing it infront of hym..
haha .
take care everybody cos iLa cares for eu .
haah .
muuaaah !

Sunday, October 19, 2008

From the first time i know u, i never thought that i would be yours one day..
I always judge you from your looks...
i didnt even judge your heart..
i said to myseLf...
'' you're a bad guy for me.. so it's time for me to pLay around with your feeLings..''
and so i did ...
Day after day we keep in touch, i don't know why i've missed you.. is that i sign of love??
i didnt admit it at first.. i got a job to do..
and so, i played timer..
without reaLising that u really lerve and care for mie with all of your heart.. i did as much as i can so that u trust me.. and i WON !! you trust me aLot.. you thougth that i Loved you too.. but actuaLLy i didn't.. and so, we met.. for the first time.. you are not as ugLy as i thought.. hmm.. my heart speaks.. to pLay around with your feelings.. that's my job... okay.. i canceLLed our meeting that day, just to accompLish my job.. i went out with another guy, same pLace to where you were at.. Lucky me, i saw you... you were speechless watching me hoLding hands with him.. AND YOU WALKED AWAY...
The scenario keeps on pLaying in my mind.. Watching your sad face that evening reaLLy make the pityness feeLing born in my bitch heart... how crueL am i to do this fucking thing to a person that reaLLy Lerve me deepLy..... i admit, that i loved you.. but i'm not sure how much i loved you.. yet i know, i care for you... we're separating now.. i vaLued how much i missed you.. your voice.. your smiLes... your touch.. your kisses..
i cried hard... i dont know what to do.. my apoLigise doesnt seemed to work at all.. i want that we get back together... and i'll promise to love you right.. stiLL, you didn't forgive me.. i didn't give up.. i try my hard so that you'll come back in my arms..
and yes... you've came back..

because you're the onLy one for me, and you're the onLy one stays in my heart..
you make my Life better, and so, i Loved you..
My LoVE for you are deep.. deeper than the sea.. the oceans...
NEVER LET YOU GO... even for a day...
and if ever i really have to let you go one day..
i want you to know that you wiLL never be repLace, aLways in my heart.. aLways i Love..
and aLways i miss..